Chyawanprasha boosts immunity
Ayurvedic Tea lowers cholesterol level
Almond Shampoo & Amla Hair Oil nourishes hair
Almond Cream gives lustre and radiance to skin
Massage oil reduces muscular stiffness & pains
Jiva Winter Special Combo is helpful in preventing common winter health problems, boosts immunity and keeps your hair and skin beautiful. Chyawanprasha is a rejuvenating tonic that boosts immune system and strengthens the respiratory system. Ayurvedic tea contains no caffeine, has anti-oxidant properties and is helpful in lowering cholesterol. Almond Shampoo makes your hair silken smooth and lustrous. Amla Hair Oil imparts lustre, and controls greying of hair. Almond Cream keeps skin fresh and soft. Massage oil enhances blood circulation, cleanses impurities and makes the skin glow.
Respiratory tract disorders and chronic cold, cough and sinusitis, dry skin, dandruff, hair loss, muscle pain and stiffness.
Chyawanprasha contains multiple herbs which are helpful in allergies including cold, sneezing, coughing and respiratory problems. Ayurvedic Tea tones up liver, nervous system and improves brain functions. Almond Shampoo is effective against hair loss and condition the hair to make it silken and lustrous. Amla Hair Oil provides nourishment to hair and reduces heat from the head region and makes the hair silky and strong. Almond Cream remove impurities from the skin pores, opens up the pores and facilitates better circulation. Massage Oil strengthens the nerve endings under the skin, making the skin sensitive and natural.